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Without spending a lot of money
If you have seen the list of studies we hope that you feel excited about the possibilities of adding a training school to your church, cell group or mission. It's a decision that you would never regret.
What shall you do next?
Here are some of the answers, but remember that the promise of God is that if you will acknowledge Him in all your ways, He will direct your paths. See Proverbs 3,5-6.
We are ready to help you to start a 2 Timothy 2.2 style training centre because we know how very cost-effective this model of training can be. You may e-mail us to share your plans and ask for advice.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do we need a separate Bible School building?
Many people think that a Bible School has to be a special building with a Cross on the top. The structure of this course helps you to avoid such big expenses because it is designed to be done in a home, in a hall or even under a shady tree, with minimum expenses. This is particularly important for people who live in countries where Christians are persecuted or poor. Did you know that for the first 400 years after Jesus died and rose again that the believers had neither church buildings nor Bible School buildings, yet the church grew very fast.
The 2 Timothy 2.2 principle is very effective.
One man teaches a small group of say 10 people, in a home.
So 11 people know the word of the Lord
Each of the ten passes on the learning to 10 others, in his home.
Now 111 people have heard the word of the Lord.
Each of the 100 meet with ten others to teach them in a home.
Now 1,111 people have been learning, at almost no cost.
This is called Training by Multiplication, and although the figures can differ, the principle works all over the world, and succeeds. See also A Discipling Church
How the School of Mission works best
2. Who should come and learn?
God will guide you as the pastor-teacher as you pray, but look for enthusiastic, thoroughly converted men and women of all ages and backgrounds who know that God is calling them to serve Him. Loyalty is worth very much more than education or riches so ask God for people who will become your friends. Pray for people who will come and share your vision and sufferings, joining you in the work, serving under your supervision. Say no, or maybe next year, to people that you feel unsure about after prayer. Trust the witness of God’s Spirit to your spirit, He is never wrong.
Remember that Jesus chose only 12 people to be his close disciples.
You do not necessarily need to have more. Choose a few to begin with, the right people and that is fine. More will come as word spreads and that gives you time to become more proficient in teaching and caring for them, and to raise up some of your first students as assistants for the next course.
3. How should I start?
Study these notes very carefully until you understand them in your heart. They will teach you the simple principles that Jesus and Paul used to see the early church grow by 'multiplying.'
- Pray to discover the best start up time.
- Meanwhile study the course yourself.
- Then like Jesus, after much prayer,
- You choose and invite your disciples.
- Agree the best time to meet.
All of these have been tried in different countries and they all work:
Once or twice a day for six months
Once a week for two years, that is 2 x 13 week terms + 1 x 14 week term with a 3 week break at Christmas, a 3 week break at Easter and a 6 week break at harvest time.
Or 2 lessons a week for 1 year.
Or 2 months in, 2 months back home
You decide what is best for you.
4. How do I run a class?
- Prepare your lesson in advance. If you do not, they will all know! Allow two hours for each session.
- Photocopy the lesson notes in advance, or students must take their own notes if they can write, or work hard to remember if they cannot.
- Be a House of Prayer for All Nations. Always begin with worship, praise and prayer. Psalm 100.
- As part of your worship and training make time for intercession for the nation that is given in each lesson. A different student each time can come prepared to lead the prayer and give more information about the nation.
- Then learn the memory verse together. It’s a good habit.
- Take turns to practice reading the Bible passages out loud.
- Teach the lesson in your language always taking time to find and read the Bible verses referred to. See the notes on how to teach.
- Afterwards let the people discuss what they have learned. Be careful to only guide and never dominate the conversation. A suggestion to start the talking is contained in each lesson.
- Explain the practical assignment to the students. Graduation in this course is by achievement not by academic ability or memorisation of the teaching.
- Do not allow any student to go on to the next lesson until they have done their practical work, unless they have a very good reason, such as illness. Each student must keep a record in a notebook of what they have done, the date, and the result, always initialled by you each week when you see it.
- The meditation is to do at home to unlock the treasures in God’s word.
- Explain the written homework for the students who want to qualify for the diploma. You should mark and return the work which should then be kept safe and clean for later use.
- Above all enjoy the Lord, enjoy being with each other and enjoy learning God’s word. Don’t be too serious and sober. Laugh a little, eat and drink together as friends.
5. How much should the people pay?
This course comes to you free, so, as Jesus says, "Freely you have received, freely give." Matthew 10.8. Of course the students should pay for expenses, any meals and their notes but please do not sell the Word of God.
6. Will this kind of training work?
In 1983, Miguel Diez and his wife prayed, and began to preach to street people in their town in Spain. Drug addicts, prostitutes and criminals were saved and Miguel then taught them these same principles of Discipleship, Evangelism, Serving God, and Kingdom Economics. The new disciples worked to bring in money for their group, witnessing day and night. Today when many Spanish churches still have only 50 members, Miguel has over 65,000 people, with missions in 66 nations. John Joseph in India is seeing the beginnings of similar results as his young men take the lessons back to the jungles and the rural villages. Does it work? After more than 100,000,000 hits on this website, there are now many schools all over the world. The testimonies are many. It works, and it will for you as well.
See how the School of Mission in Nairobi, Kenya works
7. How do I teach the people?
The worst thing you can do is stand at the front and speak for an hour.
When a person only hears a lesson he remembers very little of it, maybe 25%, and often less. When people see something that interests them, they remember maybe 50%, or more. When a person learns by doing something themselves, they remember nearly everything, and never forget it.
Concentrate on this!
People generally cease to concentrate after about twenty minutes, so have regular pauses and breaks. Ask people to tell each other what they have just learned. Get them, to stand, pray, stretch or walk about to restore the concentration level. Creativity is crucial.
Enjoy your time together
Have breaks after each session to talk and have coffee, soft drinks or tea. Find some biscuits, give out some sweets during the lesson. You will soon make friends.
Vary the teaching methods
Outrageous examples are never forgotten. Involve the people to the maximum. Let the students do drama sketches, sing or mime to illustrate your points. Use a blackboard to draw lots of diagrams, pictures and charts. Draw maps, pictures and bring objects to illustrate your lesson. Use music from cassettes, video, slides or films if you can. Get the students to work in small groups or to debate topics.
Above all, practice 2 Timothy 2.2 and arrange for those who have learned from you to go and repeat the lesson to another group, and encourage that group to go and tell others. In this way the word spreads widely and grows in power.